End-end dabster this much-forecaster who admitted to himself as a healer, and treat sick people with magic or quackery. They are now spread in many different countries, people do not understand that the public have become victims of extortion lot of them. Then, on the basis of advice (loyalty) to Allah Subhanahu The Ta'ala and to his servants, I (Syaikh Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz ibn Baaz rahimahullah) want to explain about how big a danger to the people of Quebec Quebec and the dependence to other than Allah, and that this is contrary to the commands of Allah and His Messenger.
With the help of Allah Ta'ala begged me to say that the treatment allowed by the agreement of the parson. If a Muslim-sick-doctors should try to come to the experts, both in the disease, nerve surgery, and checked for the disease outside of what disease the dideritanya. And then treated in accordance with the medicines that allowed by the Personality ', as known in medical science.
Seen in terms of causes and consequences of the ordinary is happening, this does not contradict with the teachings of resignation to Allah in Islam. Because Allah Ta'ala has lower disease and decrease the medicine. There are among them known by the people and that there is not yet known. Allah Ta'ala but will not make penyembuhannya from something that has been underway to them.
It is therefore not justified for people who are sick, attending the shaman-healer who lay claim to know himself ghaib things, to know that dideritanya disease. Trust also is not allowed or allow what they say, because they say something about the things that ghaib only estimates based on the classic, or by bringing jin-jin to ask for the help of the genie-jin was in accordance with what they want. In such a way shaman-healer has been doing deeds and kufur astray.
Messenger Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written explained in various haditsnya as follows: "Imam Muslim narrate in the book' Sahih Muslim ', that the Messenger of Sanya Shallallahu' margin-bottom: Written said; 'Anyone visiting the' arraaf (predictor) * to him, will not be accepted shalatnya for forty days. "
"From Kareena radhiyallahu 'anhu from the Prophet Shallallahu' margin-bottom: Written he said; 'Anyone who attend kahin (TBA) ** and justify what he said, he really has to disbelieve what is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu' margin-bottom: Written" . (HR Abu Daud).
"Issued by the Ahlus four Sunan and dishahihkan by Al-Hakim of the Prophet Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written by lafadz:' Anyone visiting the soothsayer or healer and justify what he said, he really has to disbelieve what is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallhu 'The sick but I'm still Sallam. "
"From Imran bin Husain radhiyallahu 'anhu said:' Messenger Shallallahu 'sick but I'm still wasallam said:' Not including classes or ask us who tathayyur (sialo determined based on signs of objects, birds and others) that predict or ask predicted , A witch or ask disihirkan and anyone visiting the seer and justify what he said, then he has to disbelieve the revelation revealed to Prophet Muhammad shalallahu 'margin-bottom: Written. " (HR Al-Bazzar with sanad jayyid).
The noble-word over a ban on attending the show clairvoyant, healer, and, prohibition, asked them about the things that ghaib, ban or allow trust what they say, and they are a threat to do so.
Therefore, to the authorities and those who have influence in each country, is obliged to prevent all forms of practice prophetess, healer and working, and prohibit people visiting them.
To the authorities so that they do prohibit practices in the markets, malls, shopping malls, or other places, and explicitly reject everything they do. Because these people do not know the things done by the shaman-healer, even most of them are people that the public does not understand the law, and the prohibition against acts that they do.
Messenger Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written forbid his visit to the soothsayer, healer and soothsayer. Prohibit and ask justify what they say. Because it contains the danger kemungkaran and large, also result in a very big negative, too. For meraka it is the people who do lie and sin.
The Messenger-word Shalallahu 'margin-bottom: Written above prove kekkufuran about the healer and fortune. Because they claim to know things that ghaib, and they will not reach the desired purpose but with how many, subject, obedient and worship jin-jin. This is an act of kufur and syirik to Allah Subhanahu The Ta'ala. People who justify their top testament to know the things that ghaib and their expectations, the same as they are legal. And each person who received this from people who do, indeed, arguably the Shalallahu 'margin-bottom: Written leaving themselves from them.
A Muslim should not be subject to allegations and believe that the presumption and the way it is done as a way of treatment, like writing talisman that they make, or pouring the liquid tin, and other hoax that they do.
All this is the practice quackery and fraud against the people, then whoever is willing to receive such practices without showing disapproval attitudes, indeed, he has helped in the act of falsehood and kufur.
Therefore, a Muslim is not allowed to go to the healer, soothsayer, sorcerer and semisalnya, and ask them to matters related to a mate, child marriage or his brother, or the relationship of husband and wife and family, about love, loyalty, conflict or rupture occurred and others. For all that related to matters that are not ghaib known fact by anyone except Allah Subhanahu The Ta'ala.
Magic act as one of the kufur be forbidden by God, described in the Al-Baqoroh paragraph 102 of the two-story Angel: "And they follow what is read by syetan-syetan in the kingdom of Solomon (and they say that Solomon is the magic) , Solomon did not disbelieve (not do magico). They teach sorcery to humans and what is revealed to the two angels in the country, namely quarrelsome Harut and Marut, both of them are not (something) to the one before say: 'We only test (for), so do not disbelieve. But they learn from these two angels, what with the magic that they can divorce between a (husband) with his wife. And they (sorcerer) does not give mudharat with sihirnmya to one, except with the permission of Allah. And they learn something that gives mudharat and not give him the benefit. For, they have been convinced that bahwabarangsiapa exchange paragraph (the Book of Allah) with that magic, not for profit in the Hereafter, and they act very jahatlah sell himself with magic, if they know. " (Al-Baqoroh: 102)
Signs that this noble also shows that people who learn of sorcery, they learn things that bring mudharat only for themselves, and not also bring something good in the hand of Allah Subhanahu The Ta'ala. This is a serious threat that shows how big the losses suffered by them in this world and hereafter later. They have indeed memperjualbelikan themselves with a very cheap price, that is why Allah said: "And how bad deeds they sell themselves with the magic that, if they know."
We beseech God to the welfare and safety from crime and all kinds of magic, shamanism and the practice of magician and soothsayer. We also apply to him maintained that Muslims from their crimes. May Allah Subhanahu The Ta'ala provide help to Muslims to always be careful of them, and implement God's law with all the sanctions-sangsinya to them, so that people become safer from crime and all the despicable practice that they do.
Allah Most Gracious Most Mulia again.
(Quoted from: Law Magic and quackery, Syaikh Abdul Aziz ibn Baaz)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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